Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween in Michigan

We drove up to Michigan Friday afternoon to celebrate Halloween with the Walker clan. We arrived just in time to head out trick or treating with all the cousins. First stop was Aunt Terry and Uncle Jimmy's house, where Jeff grew up. We went inside for a few minutes to grab something to eat besides candy. Grandma Liz and Papa stayed behind to hand out candy while we all went out trick or treating in the neighborhood.

Elena and Ellie were happy to see each other!
The girls kept checking out each others costumes. Isabelle had a very large pillow case for her candy.
Cousin Katy was dressed up as a Bee Girl.
The little girls climbed in one of the wagons so they could be around the neighborhood. Aunt Jill was an excellent driver of the wagon despite having her hands full with an adult beverage.
Alex posed with one some Halloween decorations at one of our first stops.
Ellie gave Elena a sweet hug so she wouldn't be scare of Uncle Jamie.
Elmo and the Red Ranger had a great night!
An extra special thanks is owed to Aunt Jill and Aunt Lori. In the rush to get out the door after a very long meeting that morning with St. Vincent (and a late night preparing for that meeting), I forgot to grab my camera. Fortunately, the girls were great about sharing their cameras and photos from our fun time together. Thanks guys!