Saturday, October 18, 2008

Run Logan Run!

We bundled up Saturday morning to go watch Logan run in Cross Country Sectionals. Logan is one of the top runners in the State this year, and is Team Captain, so it was exciting to see him in action. It was very chilly outside that morning, and there were hundreds of people there, but through the wonders of cells phones we found the Rosenberg clan to hang out with and help keep the kids warm. Logan was a FAST runner, which Alex imitated for Tyler, Zach and Cooper (Logan's brothers) on the sidelines. Elena was just happy I let her wear her kitty cat boots. As long as she is warm, I have given up on dictating her fashion choices these days.

Alex borrowed my stop watch that afternoon and practiced running laps around the house, stopping to ask "Am I as fast as Logan now?" Better keep practicing- Logan is very fast. Logan will compete at State in another week up in Terre Haute. Good luck Logan!