Monday, October 13, 2008

Sick Bunny

Elena has been hit with another case of the preschool germies! The poor girl threw up all over Jeff's car on her way home from school Friday. The rest of the weekend was spent trying to keep her fever down while listening to her moans of "tummy hurts" and "I so hot." I was very worried about her, but Jeff's medical expertise has been a calming influence. Until then, our poor bunny just wants to be picked up, cuddled and rocked. Jeff stayed home from work with her on Monday for some quality cuddling time.

Elena is refusing to sleep anywhere other than with us in our bed. It is amazing how much space such a little person can take up in a king size bed. As adorable as she looks here, here loud snoring is not so cute.

Hopefully she will be feeling well enough to return to school later this week and return to her own bed!