Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our Bedtime Routine

The Walker bedtime routine is something the kids look forward to every night. After dinnertime, the kids head upstairs for a bubble-filled bath in the jacuzzi tub. Between the toys and bubbles, they almost disappear!After a little snuggle time while being dried off in in their Pottery Barn animal towels, we put on lotion, climb into pajamas and Alex and Elena then race down the hall to contemplate their book selection from our reading library. The kids both curl up on Jeff's lap in Elena's rocking chair for story time.

This routine is all very sweet, but my favorite part of the evening is when Alex and Elena say goodnight. For as long as Elena has been a part of our family, Alex leans over and hugs her and then kisses her on a random body part and says he loves her little whatever-the body-part-of-the-night is. It is hilarious to listen to what he picks- sometimes he loves her little "toesy-toes," other nights it is her "pointy elbows," or her "pretty hair." Afterwards, we talk about our days and name all the people we love. It will be sad when they are too old to do this anymore!