Monday, June 14, 2010

The Best Invention For Babies Ever. Seriously.

I would pay a million bucks to stop the babies from crying some nights.  Especially at 2am. Especially now that when one twin starts crying, he usually set his brother off crying too.  A girlfriend recommended The Woombie when we had lunch downtown last week.  I couldn't imagine it would be any better than any of the the other swaddling blankets we already own, but she is an old friend (and a doctor, and has a 6-month old baby with colic), so I went ahead and ordered two online anyway.  These things are worth every penny!  They look kind of like little tiny straight jackets so it seems a bit odd to use them, but the boys LOVE them.  They calm down in under 30 seconds once they are zipped in, almost every time. I am eternally grateful for this recommendation.  Now if I could just figure out what might work this well on my 6 & 3 year old...