Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Elena is Turning Four!

We celebrated Elena's birthday a week early since she will be in Michigan for the big day next week.  We packed the day with fun activities of her choice.
Heading to see Toy Story 3 
David Wore Elena's 3-D Glasses After We Returned Home
The Birthday Girl with Her Presents
Photo By Alex of Elena with Mom and Dad
Alex Giving Elena Her Birthday Book, a Family Tradition
Elena's Ballerina "Julie" Box, aka Jewelry Box
 Twin Babies, David and Brian (although these baby dolls are apparently girls)
Little Mommy Elena
Baby David in the Baby Swing, Propped to Drink His Bottle...
...While Mommy Elena Feeds Baby Brian.  Amazing how imitative she is!
 Dinner at Bob Evans (Elena's restaurant choice- must be the curly straws!) with the Galvins
 The Amazing "Lion King" (Elena's favorite movie right now) Cupcakes Made By Aunt Melinda

Happy 4th Birthday, My Favorite Girl!