Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Jeff!

Jeff has earned the title of "Super Dad" these last few month.  He has always been a hands-on, involved father, but his level of involvement in the lives of these four children recently has been awe inspiring.  With the twins, he gladly does the late night feedings, takes on the hard tasks involved in Brian's medical care, and never complains about being pooped or peed on.  

He still finds the energy to spend time with the older kids everyday- they are frequent visitors to their neighborhood pool in the evenings, go on neighborhood "adventures" on their bikes, and usually pick him for the reading of bedtime stories because of all his funny voices. Jeff coached Alex's soccer team this spring, has never missed a hockey practice or swim meet, and brings Alex along to go hit golf balls on the weekends.  He is teaching Elena to swim this summer, introduced her to her new favorite food- tacos- and even plays Barbies with her sometimes. 

I can not imagine a better father to these children, and feel very blessed to have him in our lives.