Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Feeding Time with the Twins Works

The babies eat a 6 ounce bottle every 3 hours- Big Dave will let you know if you are even a minute off that schedule.  Often, we are able to space it out so that we can hold one baby for his entire feeding before turning our attention to the other. Sometimes however, they are both ready to eat at the same time and they want to be fed NOW, with no patience for taking turns.  Feedings like that require all kinds of tricks.  We purchased all the on-line gadgets we could find: a special pillow that looks like a tooth, bottles that have a long straw & pacifier, even a monkey that hangs above to hold the bottle.  But what seems to work best is simply putting them in their car seats and propping the bottles with blankets.
The boys tend to eat at different rates, so we can usually time the midway burp to hold each baby for the last part of the bottle.  This system seems to be working well, but it will be nice when they can hold their own bottle.